- Just The Tip is all you need with this bullet! Compact and discreet stimulator
- 10 functions of intense vibration, pulsation and escalation
- State-of-the-art me[\HZ\\][Y\H[\][][[\YY[OBOYX]\]H][XZH8 $H[\HYX[[HH\[\Y[OBOTPXZ\YXXH8 $HZ\Z[H[\[[YYBO[[\]HZ\YH[LZ[]\O[OBO[H LZ[]\H[YZ\YY[]\H[]H\YY[OB][BB[Y[Z[[NBX]\ H MH[BXZXYYNK H H H[
- Just The Tip is all you need with this bullet! Compact and discreet stimulator
- 10 functions of intense vibration, pulsation and escalation
- State-of-the-art me[\HZ\\][Y\H[\][][[\YY[OBOYX]\]H][XZH8 $H[\HYX[[HH\[\Y[OBOTPXZ\YXXH8 $HZ\Z[H[\[[YYBO[[\]HZ\YH[LZ[]\O[OBO[H LZ[]\H[YZ\YY[]\H[]H\YY[OB][BB[Y[Z[[NBX]\ H MH[BXZXYYNK H H H[